Welcome to All,

We are now Officially Open for Pilot Applicatons ! Republic Virtual Airways is now powered by the new PHPVMS v7, with some customized features to meet our needs, looks, and wants of course. We are still designing and tweaking a lot here on our New Web Site, but for the most part everything has gone ahead of schedule, and we are happy with the new look and very happy with the New system here. This is one Power House compared to the older phpvms versions, the detail is incredible to say the least. So Why Not grow with us on this new Venture, and Sign Up today here at VRepublic Airways

6/13/2024 SmartCARS 3 is Now Fully operational here at 100%. We now offer not one, but two ACARS Flight Tracking Systems here at Republic. If you have any questions then contact us, thank you.

Supporting the following Flight Simulators


Republic Virtual Airways ©

Powered by phpvms v7

Our Web Site is powered by also, Bootstrap 5, HTML5 and customized CSS style sheets along with custom javascripts. This Site is built from the ground up, yes, including the foundation which we re-vamped. We also have a Customized ACARS Flight Tracking Operation. Which took us a very long time to just to get the system to run right.

We are FULLY OPERATIONAL now with vmsACARS, The advantage of vmsACARS now is simple, its accurate, and highly controllable in the back of the house to program restrictions if need be, and much much more. Installing it is pretty simple also, and if anyone has an issue, we are are always here to help with your installs.

Our Live Teamspeak

Join our Team Speak directly right here, just click on the "Join Server" Icon, and as long as you have Team Speak Client installed, you will go directly into our Team Speak for Republic Airways VA. From there a Staff member will gladly Greet you and Welcome you. Feel free to stop by anytime, as like you, this is also a new Adventure pertaining to phpvms version 7 for us to. Thank You for stopping by our New Web Site.

NOTE:: Registrations are Automatically processed here, you will get pre-approved instantly, there is no need to wait for us to get back to you on this. There are of course security issues in place for this upon registering here. If need be obviously more can be put in place. We have also included a Contact Form for those who have questions for us. We answer all. Thank you.

We now have a New Live Chat/Support System on the bottom left hand corner, this Works Period. We will recieve and instant Email to our support Box, and to the dedicated Support System of this Web Site, LHC Support Database, so it will end up in 2 different areas. Please use this if you are having issues either with Registration or any other Web Site related issues for Republic. Also as we have mentioned, your Pilot Registration is Automatic, but however, your Activation is Done by our Staff/Administration Team after. Hence contact us if you are NOT ACTIVATED using our support system here. Thank You.

Monday 1st of July 2024 12:13:11 PM GMT UTC

RVA0007 Eric M
RVA0006 Martin P
RVA0005 Neil James B
RVA0004 Daniel L C
RVA0003 Mike M

Top Pilots: Landing Rate
Name Average
Ron B -193 ft/min
Mike M -243 ft/min
Jim L -248 ft/min

Top Airlines: Flights
Name Flights
Republic Virtual Airways 40
Transload Virtual Airlines 14
Sunrise / Sunset Details | KPSM
Civil Twilight Begin 08:33 UTC
Sunrise 09:06 UTC
Sunset 00:28 UTC
Civil Twilight End 01:01 UTC
Welcome! - Republic Virtual Airways